It’s been over two months since my last newsletter. That one was mostly about the virus and immune boosting ideas. By now, everyone sitting in front of a screen during the lockdown probably knows more on the subject than me. It’s a bit unsettling how far we’ve come. Hard to imagine where it’s headed from here. My vote would be for local economies focused on community and self-reliance. Though that’s probably not much help for city dwellers. Either way change is upon us. I was looking back at my posts from the beginning of 2020 and found this. January 9, 2020 The sun will still rise and set like it always has. The Earth will continue spinning. However, what is going to change is the way our species, and all of the other living beings on this planet, live our lives. Significant changes are going to take place as we progress into this new decade. With the dawning of 2020 modern society appears to have reached another important crossroad. We have had a number of opportunities in the recent past and it is hard to know how many more there will be. Like a pendulum that swings from one extreme to the other, our way of living has reached the point where our destructive all-consuming way of life must now return back the other way. For too long we, as a civilization, have come to consider the Earth, the plants, the animals, other human beings and everything else, whether it is nailed down or not, resources to be exploited. This take…take…take mentality must now give way to something different. And different we have…..with more different on the way, I imagine. Did I say decade? It’s only been six months! Yes, there is a reset coming. But it doesn’t have to be all bad. If we can remain calm, centered and focused on maintaining our best selves in the present moment, we can usher in a whole new way of living and being. I do know that there are groups of people doing amazing things during this time. Meditations, chanting, kirtan concerts, deeper discussions, inner reflections and much more. The lockdown has presented everyone with time to look at themselves and make some choices. And, if you are someone who cares about their personal health as well as the well-being of the Earth, my guess is you’ve made some good choices. Now more than ever, we need to get outside in the natural world whenever we can. Connect to the plants, animals, insects and all of Mother Earth. Breathe in the air. Take a moment to let everything else go and just be. Yes, it’s difficult to take the time because of everything going on, but everything going on is the reason we need to take the time to do it. We really have an opportunity right now to start thinking differently about what the future might look like. Have courage, be strong in your heart and maintain your balance while the world wobbles. Wishing you much peace, Aaron Every time I’m about to post this something else happens. Now it’s rioting in a number of major cities. Please be smart and stay safe. Things are going to escalate asymmetrically. Be aware of your surroundings and remain vigilant so as not to get caught up in situations that can get out of control. My Reconnecting to the Earth book and Wakeup Calling blog can be found at Reconnecting to the Earth Please visit my new Patreon Page
The appearance of the Corona virus has come upon us quite quickly and upended much of normal life and the true scope of it is yet to be revealed.
I know there are many sources talking about social distancing and disinfectant. However, I would like to talk about some of the holistic, and natural methods of protecting ourselves from illness. Staying Healthy - Boosting the Immune System Baking Soda/Apple Cider Vinegar: Very simply Baking Soda and Apple Cider Vinegar alkalinize the body and viruses cannot take hold in an alkalinized host. Published in 1924, a few years after the Spanish flu, Dr. Volney S. Cheney recounted his clinical successes with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in treating cold and flu: “In 1918 and 1919 while fighting the ‘flu’ with the U. S. Public Health Service it was brought to my attention that rarely anyone who had been thoroughly alkalinized with bicarbonate of soda contracted the disease, and those who did contract it, if alkalinized early, would invariably have mild attacks. I have since that time treated all cases of ‘cold,’ influenza and LaGripe by first giving generous doses of bicarbonate of soda, and in many, many instances within 36 hours the symptoms would have entirely abated. Further, within my own household, before Woman’s Clubs and Parent-Teachers’ Associations, I have advocated the use of bicarbonate of soda as a preventive for “colds,” with the result that now many reports are coming in stating that those who took “soda” were not affected, while nearly everyone around them had the “flu.” Recommendation: A table spoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in 8oz of water 2-3 times a day. Or Half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water 3 times a day. Elderberry: Elderberry is often the go-to immune booster for many holistic practitioners I highly recommend Stephen Buhner’s suggestions. “Elder leaf and bark are exceptionally potent medicines for a variety of things, including viral pathogens. Unfortunately bad press by adversarial medical activists in the early twentieth century spread the rumor that elder (Sambucus) is a poisonous plant. It is not. In descending order of impact the bark, leaves, and berries can cause vomiting in some people, not all. (I am not generally affected and use undecocted tinctures.) It depends on the dose and personal susceptibilities. However, if the herb is boiled (i.e., decocted) the compounds that cause vomiting are deactivated. Note: The leaves and bark are far more potent anti-virals than the berries or flowers. I would not suggest the berries for use in treating this pathogen; they are not, in my opinion, strong enough. To make a decocted elder leaf tincture: Boil four ounces of dried elder leaf (two ounces if fresh) in two quarts water until it is reduced by half. Cool, strain, then measure the amount of liquid left. To this add 25% pure grain alcohol. If your state will not allow you to buy pure grain alcohol (which is 95% alcohol) then after you cool and strain the liquid, put it in the pot again and reduce it once more by half. Let it cool again and then measure and add to it the same amount of 40% to 50% vodka, 50% is preferable.” Nourishing the Body Breathing: Your body is your physical presence in this world. Under the most ideal circumstances it might live for a hundred years or so. Unfortunately, with all of the toxins, poisons, and chemicals in the air, food, and water we consume, “ideal circumstances” are not usually an option. And now with the Corona Virus and the associated panic, most of us are starting to notice a heightened state of distress. Anyone who has read my book Breathe Smart knows that the Sympathetic Nervous System is responsible for the ‘fight or flight” mode in the body. In times of stress it takes over and shuts down the normal workings of the body. Effective breathing practices are vitally important to calm the body down and allow the Parasympathetic Nervous System to run the show for a while. By becoming proactive and taking conscious steps to care for your body, you are giving it the best opportunity to thrive in less-than-optimal conditions. Yoga/Stretching/Movement: Movement is life. Maintaining healthy oxygen and energy flow through the body is essential for keeping it strong and able to fight off disease. A simple practice of 10-20 minutes of gentle stretching and/or movement every day will go a long way in helping you feel better as well as building up much needed strength. It doesn’t necessarily matter exactly what you do. What is important is that you do something. I have plenty of Zen Yoga videos on YouTube if you need somewhere to start Calming the Mind Meditation: Now more than ever it is important to keep our minds calm and clear so that we are able to react to whatever situation we are presented with swift confident action. Yes, it is difficult to still the torrent of thoughts that may be running rampant in your head, but clarity is the only thing that is going to help. With everything going on our minds can be like a handful of dirt thrown into a glass of water and shaken up. However, if you set aside that glass of swirling muddy water, the dirt will slowly settle to the bottom and the water will become clear again. Imagine your mind is the glass of water and the dirt represents the myriad of thoughts that are vying for attention. You can deal with it in the same manner. Sitting quietly and allowing your thoughts to settle will result in clarity. Reconnecting with Nature GO OUTSIDE! There is no worse recipe for disaster than millions of people cooped up inside their homes panicking about everything. Social distancing and isolating oneself does not mean staying indoors. Now, more than ever, we need our connection to the energy of the living planet we exist on. Find somewhere outside away from other people and take some time for yourself. Breathe in the air, smell the budding of Spring, tune into the vibration of the natural world. Finally… It is important to understand that viruses are some of the oldest living things on the planet, billions of years old. They are exceptionally good at what they do and they learn as they go, adapting new behaviors along the way. Western medicine is roughly 200 hundred years old and our knowledge of viral pathogens and infections is only around 50 years old. And much of that is rudimentary or even incorrect. This thing could go in a number of directions. Take care of yourself, stay safe. Keep peace and love in your heart. Namaste’ Aaron 2020 Year of the Metal Rat At the beginning of the year I wrote an article on Medium titled 2020 The Year of Clarity. Since then geopolitical events have escalated and things seem even more crazy than before. And right on schedule, January 25th 2020, we enter the Year of the Rat. The Rat is the first animal in the cycle of Chinese Zodiac. First because legend has it that the Emperor had all of the animals race to decide the order of the Zodiac. The Rat hitched a ride on the back of the Ox and then jumped off at the end to win the race. In 2020 the corresponding Element for this year is Metal. Metal is the element of strength, fortitude, stability. It tends towards providing reinforcement and support to help invigorate and reenergize. Rats are quick-thinking, smart and persistent….ask anyone who’s had them in the henhouse! They adapt easily and solve problems. The Metal Rat Year suggests a year of excitement and new adventures. It is an opportunity to be ambitious and productive. It is a good time to take advantage of this energy to get started on major endeavors. As the new 12-year cycle begins, the Metal Rat offers a fresh start, a new beginning. However it can also mean that drastic upheaval and change is necessary to move forward. This can be on the micro level within our everyday lives as well as on the macro level in the geo-political arena. It is a time to take the chances that appear before you. Care must be taken with new initiatives however, as all decisions made during this year will influence the next 12 years. Move forward with confidence but plan your strategy. Those who are too cautious will miss out. And those who are irresponsible will find the the Metal Rat a harsh wake up call.
The term 20/20 has been in the English lexicon since 1862 when Herman Snellen, a Dutch ophthalmologist developed his visual acuity measuring system. The first 20 is the distance between the user and an eye chart. The second 20 relates to the lines of letters on the chart and specifically the line that corresponds to what is considered normal visual acuity. And yet here, as we enter the year 2020, it feels as if it has a much deeper and more profound meaning. For quite some time this human civilization we are part of has been fooling itself into believing we can have infinite growth on a finite planet. This fallacy is finally being exposed for the illusion it truly is. Like the eye doctor clicking the proper lens into place allowing us to see our situation with true clarity, things are now coming into focus and it is not a pretty picture. The damage we are doing to the planet is no longer invisible. Of course the world isn’t going to end. There probably isn’t going to be a zombie apocalypse, an extinction level meteor crash, or an alien invasion. The sun will still rise and set like it always has. The Earth will continue spinning. However, what is going to change is the way our species, and all of the other living beings on this planet, live our lives. Significant changes are going to take place as we progress into this new decade. With the dawning of 2020 modern society appears to have reached another important crossroad. We have had a number of opportunities in the recent past and it is hard to know how many more there will be. Like a pendulum that swings from one extreme to the other, our way of living has reached the point where our destructive all-consuming way of life must now return back the other way. For too long we, as a civilization, have come to consider the Earth, the plants, the animals, other human beings and everything else, whether it is nailed down or not, resources to be exploited. This take…take…take mentality must now give way to something different. What is going to happen, and indeed is already happening all over the world, is that people are going to start waking up to the situation we find ourselves in and demand that things change. We are seeing this in protests around the world as people become fed up with the oppression and strife that is becoming more and more obvious everywhere. The truth is that, for the most part, people of Earth want peace and harmony. They want to live, raise families, and grow old without the threat of war. They want to be able to go about their business without being bombed. They want the ability to make their own choices about their life without having to hide and pretend they are something they are not. They want something different from the hatred and stress that has been cultivated and encouraged by the system we live in. As people wake up and realize that the behavior patterns of the past no longer enable us to move forward effectively, old structures begin to breakdown. As more and more people start searching for answers to the fundamental questions regarding the purpose and meaning of life a shift in consciousness takes place. For many people there is finally a dawning recognition of the dramatic changes we are facing in the world as events begin to impact everyone’s daily life. This realization brings with it a palpable sense of upheaval and disturbance that can breed fear and uncertainty. When scared and confused by such disruptions, people fail to recognize their own behaviors that continues to contribute to the situation. At a fundamental level these changes are vibrational. Everything is vibrating. We are all in a state of energetic vibration. However as the finite limits of the planet are neared these vibrations are starting to shift and grow in intensity. With the increasing intensity we start to become more aware of the vibrations which, in turn makes the vibrations stronger. These vibrations can affect our lives in many ways, but for people unable to understand what is happening the usual result is higher levels of stress and tension during the daily interactions they have. Trying to deal with these vibrational changes can be quite challenging as they can often be very destabilizing to our inner equilibrium. At times, it can even seem as if everything is on the verge of falling to pieces. Some people have more skills to deal with vibrational shifts than others. Meditative and/or healing modalities such as yoga, tai chi, and qigong can help to counter effects of shifting vibrational energy fields. People who are grounded in spiritual practices have more skills to handle things but even they can be knocked off balance by people or events beyond their control. In addition, modern technologies including phones, computers, wifi, and bluetooth create their own vibrational fields that can disrupt our vibrational fields. 2020 is the year of clarity. It is the year we start taking back control of our lives. It is a time of people coming together with clear purpose to change this society for the better and usher in a new era of peace and gratitude. It is a time of remembering our connection to the Earth and taking a stand to strengthen that connection. Global awakening was never going to come from the top down. No, it must start with each of us as individuals. We must now step back from the abyss and turn down a different path. It will take all of our will and courage, but now is the time. I have always believed that if you always do what you’ve always done you will always get what you have always gotten. The logical conclusion to this is that if you are unsatisfied with what you have, in order to change, you need to do something different. This is easy to say but can be extremely difficult to put into practice. The process starts in the mind. You have to make a mental commitment first if you want to succeed at this. 2020 brings the dawning of a new decade. It is time to turn away from the lower vibrations and focus on our spiritual development so we can vibrate on a different wavelength. 10 Things to Do To Change Your Life
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Aaron HoopesThoughts and ideas for navigating the difficulties of our challenging world. Archives
June 2020
CategoriesAuthor ofZen Yoga: A Path to Enlightenment through Breathing, Movement and Meditation |